The Gift of Discernment

I Am Center

19 Posts Published


February 27, 2016




People with a gift of discernment that haven’t realized the function of the gift do often struggle in their identity as they haven’t been trained enough to discern the source. Is it me, is it the Devil or is this God. One of the most important things for people growing in this gift and mastering the art of discernment is to take things easy and not to literally. The world does not fall or be saved on you alone.

First of all you are anchored to Jesus when born again. It is also VITAL to know the scriptures so you are not cast to and fro by wrong doctrines. It can be easy to fall into the trap of hate and be bothered with everyone and nothing and nobody is good enough for you. Those thoughts actually reveal that the heart of the discerner is to small to love others well.. Love always needs to be bigger than any problem you see. Discerners are not to cast stones and shame others. This gift is to help others, pray, cast out and expose demons, but never ever to belittle a person God loves. All of us have problems or face something in our lives that we need to deal with. Be the lover of people you can cover people in Love that does not been their sin or tugging in the demonic realm.

Ministry ca be done in grace, and mercy but yet in a powerful way. We don’t throw people under the bus. We love them to life.. They actually can fall again and again and again and again and again. But we keep loving, yet putting boundaries. Discerners guard your mind STAY PURE and innocent towards others. give and cast your burdens to the Lord pray for those you feel discernment arise on. Love doesn’t judge – first pray-ask the Lord before you act to quickly on your impulses. I know a person that was always on high alert towards people with certain hair color and figure. that is not discernment but prejudice. If you see a pattern in your discernment something is really off. Discernment is not against flesh and blood but man’s spirit and spiritual forces.

We all have buttons in your Character that when pushed “print” out a reaction. Our family members know these buttons to push to get what they need. Some people also like to tease and play with us to get us to act on these buttons or fears or phobias and things like that.

But now shift this into the demonic realm – what buttons can that realm push to get a reaction from you.
Sometimes we do not realize that our buttons are being pushed to get us to react.
Trained Discerners – think, evaluate, and discern before acting on the impulses they get.

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